1. What do you want to write about? if you have an idea but aren't sure where to start sometimes its best to Just start writing. It may seem crazy but taking the first step may be the trigger that you need to unleash the ideas and remove any writers block that you may be experiencing.
2. Change your environment. If going through a bout of writers block, being stuck in the same environment for hours may not be helping. By temporarily removing yourself from your office can encourage your creative juices and move forward in your writing.
3. What you may want to say might have been written already but it hasn’t been written in your words. One subject can be taught by thousands of people but how it is worded may make the difference in your understanding. Your words may be what somebody out there needs to help them understand the topic that you are trying to discuss. Eddie Jaoude
*Please note that if your facts are incorrect, prepare to be corrected by whomever finds fault in your article.* On the bright side you’ll find growth from the correction or maybe even a new friend. GrahamTheDev
4. Make sure its searchable and leads back to you. Good blogging platforms for people in the tech realm happen to be dev.to and Hashnode but as per Graham's advice. These are public platforms are easily accessible to your target community in tech and gain you further reach than you’re your local blog can do. Make sure that the main article links back to your own site, so the reader can find more of your own content. GrahamTheDev
5. Your blog may start off small, but with time, if published to the right forums your community that you involve yourself in from the likes of dev to and Hashnode can eventually increase and become your loyal following. Like most things you only see true growth with consistency.
Bonus pointer inspired by the great Danny Thompson himself
* Remember your content is a story, so give it a beginning, middle and end.
Draw people in with an informative title that informs them about what they expect to see in your article.
You have their attention, now give them the what they came for!
Conclude your article, don’t leave your audience hanging. Make sure they leave with the information that they came for.
when you will publish your next post?